There is No Red Thread in This Writing- It's More an Expanding Sphere

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

I try my best to be, in some way, on the leading edge of, how to say, what we humans are doing here on this planet. That’s a bit bold. I am more humble than that. What I mean is I work in tech, I am passionate about wellbeing, and for most of my adult life I have been fascinated by and drawn to matters existential — to understanding the human condition.

For the best part of 35 years I have lived passionately, read voraciously, meditated deeply, and contemplated fearlessly. I am into, at least, love, health, fitness, food, wellbeing, mysticism, science, human development, computing, writing, sexuality, tantra, relationships, suffering, freedom, football, and humour.

I write about deep things and shallow things. I write about the big questions in life and the small. I take green smoothies to football matches and meditate at work. I am into cold water exposure and I once wrote a computer program to predict stocks to trade. It did not make me rich.

There is no red thread in this writing, it’s more an expanding sphere.

I am a passer-on of information. I am a synthesiser. I am open. My writing is an exploration, often ending with a question. I have no final answers. I like to add humour. I like to provoke thinking.

I love this from Robert Saltzman from his book Depending on no-thing:

No one knows what any of this is. No one ever has. We find ourselves alive and aware without knowing how or why, if there is even a why. Our brains invent questions that they are not powerful enough to answer. A great deal about this aliveness must remain always beyond our ken. The deepest questions have no final answers but must remain open. To accept final answers is to be deceived. No one is an expert in the art of living, which is an art of improvisation, not certainty. Now, with that in mind, what do you want to do?

Yes, what do you want to do? I like to write from that space.

Medium member since April 2020
Gary Niemen

Gary Niemen

Product manager and technical writer in tech by day. Writing about life, mind, and wellbeing by night. All from our red farmhouse in the Swedish countryside.